Marketing Position Available
Insurance Software Specialists is looking for experienced marketing professionals who wish to work from home.
Insurance Software Specialists specializes in writing custom web based applications for rating, policy issuance and tracking for insurance companies and general agencies. We have been in business for 25 years and are looking to expand.
* Must have a good knowledge of the property and casualty insurance business.
* Must be a self starting type.
* Must be computer literate including knowledge of web based rating products.
* Must be able to communicate clearly.
Ideal Candidates:
* Someone who has worked for an insurance software vendor.
* A marketing rep that has dealt with general agencies and companies.
* An insurance agent that has dealt with the many different rating software programs that are on the market.
* An insurance consultant.
* Someone who wants to work part time or work this in with another job, provided your current employer agrees.
Ideal Prospects:
* Small to large managing general agencies that write through multiple companies
* Small to medium size companies that are looking for a better online experience for their agents.
* Large independent agencies that are unable to find a software solution to meet their specific needs.
* This will be a commission only position. The commission will range from 15%-25% depending on the type of sale.
* A typical sale can range from $5,000 - $100,000+.
Please send a resume to or call 800-747-9097 and ask for Alan. Calls or emails from fee based employment agencies are NOT welcome and may be dealt with in a rude manner.
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