Insurance Software Specialists will design commercial lines software to meet your general agency or company's specific needs. If you are a general agent writing through multiple companies, we can design the software to give the retail agents a comparative quote or display the rates for one company based on a series of rules. This is especially helpful for Artisan and Contractor quotes where one of your companies may have a lower rate but excludes coverages that the contractor needs.


The web rating interface is designed for ease of use. There are customizable underwriting and rating screens. Mandatory endorsements are displayed as part of the quoting process and the agents have the ability to read each of the endorsements without having to leave the rater. Automated underwriting is built into the software that will keep unacceptable risks from being quoted.


Agents will be able to complete and submit applications for underwriting approval. Underwriters will have the ability to override rules if the risk is deemed acceptable.


Other features available include:

Policy issuance that can allow a prospect to walk into an agents office and leave with a policy in a matter of minutes.

Renewal, endorsement, cancellation and reinstatement rating with printing of amended dec pages and endorsement forms. All forms can have the option of being printed in the agent's office or emailed to insured.

Automated Renewal rating will allow you to quickly process renewal offers.



Print out the forms directly from the program as PDF files.



Custom exporting functions that will move data to propietary agency management programs elminating double entry. 






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