Insurance Software Specialists has been creating custom rating and policy issuance solutions for property and casualty insurance companies and general agencies for 25 years. We were one of the first companies to move to Windows development in the days of Windows 3.0. Now, we have developed some of the most user friendly web raters on the market. Our philosophy in developing rating software is to make it as easy to use for the agents as possible. After all, they are the ones doing the work and the easier you make it on them, the more likely they are to write business with your company or general agency.
A prospect can walk into the agent's office and walk out in 10-15 minutes with a policy approved by your underwriter. Our custom web based software is tailored to meet your specific needs including multiple company rating with single entry. This is a tremendous time saver for the GA's that write with multiple companies. Your agents will no longer have to use two or three websites to quote.
Custom export programs can be written to move the data from the Insurance Software Specialists rater to your company's proprietary management software. Other features include policy issuance, endorsement, cancellation and reinstatement rating. Automated renewal rating is also available. We can provide the TICO data for Texas companies that have to file TICO reports.
The team at Insurance Software Specialists can develop custom programs for less money than hiring in house programmers and we get the job done faster. In most instances, Insurance Software Specialists can develop custom software for less money than buying the "canned" products.
Founded in 1986 by Alan Bryan and Richard Stringer our mission has been to create the most user friendly rating software on the market. Our philosophy at Insurance Software Specialists is that we deal with insurance agents and not computer people. Insurance Software Specialists will design custom rating and/or policy issuance solutions for personal and commercial lines companies and general agencies.
We were among the first in the industry to move to Windows back in the days of Windows 3.0 and strive to maintain our skills in the latest emerging technologies. Insurance Software Specialists tailors it's software to meet your specific needs. We will adapt to your methods and perhaps point out additional items to help increase work flow at all steps in rating and policy issuance process including underwriting verification.
3149 IH-30 Suite B Mesquite Texas 75150
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